

2012-11-01 #不孕症 #試管嬰兒 #曾啟瑞

2012 ASRM-GCARM全球華人終身成就獎

2012 ASRMGCARM全球華人終身成就獎

做為全球數一數二規模的生殖學術研討會,第68屆ASRM(美國生殖醫學會)在聖地牙哥舉行的同時,由於難得聚集了世界各地生殖醫學專家,很多重要活動也在此零時差地舉辦,2012年10月23日晚間我被通知接受一個Lifetime achievement award of GCARM全球華人生殖醫學終身成就獎。

全球華人生殖醫學會創立已十餘年,成員為世界各國對生殖醫學有專長的華人醫師,由於在台灣的工作非常忙碌,較無暇參與其舉辦的各項活動,這次獲頒終身成就獎,是在美國生殖醫學會2012年年會的會議總部所在Marriott Marquis and Marina Hotel的Balboa and Mission Hill Ballrooms 舉行。

GCARM是The Global Chinese Association for REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE 的簡稱,這次頒獎典禮台灣的學生陳啟煌、陳碧華也趕來參加。


Professor Tzeng has been Dean of the College of Medicine at Taipei Medical University (TMU) since 2004, and Chairman of Obstetrics and Gynecology at TMU since 1992. He graduated from the School of Medicine at TMU in 1976 and later obtained a masters' degree in public health in Maternal and Child Health from Harvard School of Public Health (1980-1981). He completed his fellowship training in Reproductive Endocrinology and Fertility from 1981 -1983 in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Brigham and Women's Hospital, which is affiliated with Harvard Medical School . Professor Tzeng has undertaken two pioneering projects in Taiwan ; the first test-tube baby in 1985 and the first mitochondria transfer in 2002.

Professor Tzeng and his group have received numerous honors and awards such as the Prize Poster Award at the annual meeting of European Society of Human Reproduction & Embryology (ESHRE) in 2001, 2003 and 2007, respectively. He also received 2009 Gold Medal for the invention of “Diagnosis method of endometriosis by detecting biochemical markers and usage of these biochemical markers” from Ministry of Economic Affairs. In 2010 he obtained and the STAR Award from ASRM, in appreciation of his continuous contribution for 10 more years of presentation at ASRM's Annual Meeting.

He served as President of the Taiwan Society for Reproductive Medicine from 1996-1998, and was on the funding board member of the Organization Committee of the PRSFS in Hawaii in 1996. In 2002 and 2009, he was further committed to organize the 3rd and 7th conference of the PRSFS in Taipei , respectively. He is currently severed as the president of PRSFS since 2008. Most recently, he has been served on the board of the Advisory Committee for The International Ovarian Conference and board of International Society for Fertility Preservation (ISFP). He has also been invited as a guest speaker in numerous grand conferences around the world for more than 70 times. He has published over 150 peer review papers in the field of reproductive medicine.

Apart from Professor Tzeng's outstanding achievements on his expertise, he also contributes a lot in several communities including TMU Alumni Association, Harvard Club of ROC, Taiwan Medical Association, Taiwan Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Taiwanese Menopause Society, etc.     He also dabbles in art, architecture, traveling and reading. Professor Tzeng is currently both the administrative advisor of TMU Singsing Chorus and the consultant of Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra. In 2000, he was awarded Medical Profession Award by Chinese Taipei Physicians Guild。

接著由現任全球華人生殖醫學會主席的加拿大McGill大學的Prof. S. L. Tan頒發獎座及證書給我,在座尚有廣東中山医科大学生殖医学中心創始人、首届全球華人生殖医学会主 席莊廣倫教授等重量級華人醫學專家。




曾啟瑞 Chii-Ruey Tzeng, MD., 試管嬰兒之父.

曾啟瑞 醫師

Chii-Ruey Tzeng, MD.

TFC 臺北婦產科診所 生殖中心 主治醫師


醫療新知類別: # 醫學新知


A: 補助方案依照妻子的年齡,終生補助3次或6次,除非成功生下寶寶
A: 需要請假,因為取卵當天會進行麻醉鎮靜,術後可能會感到頭暈噁心
A: 受術夫妻應留存文件如下: 1.補助申請通知書。 2.
A: 需要有人陪同,因為麻醉鎮靜後安全性考量,有人陪同比較安全。
A: 由申請該次補助之申請日為基準,計算受術妻的年齡,即TFC於線